Workplace Mental Well-Being Screening

Workplace Mental Well-Being Screening Tool

This screening presents several sections, one at a time. Please answer each section’s questions and proceed to the next. At the end, you will receive detailed feedback about each section and your overall well-being score.

Section 1: Job Demands and Stress

1. How often do you feel overwhelmed by your workload?

2. Do you feel you have enough time to complete your work tasks?

3. Do you frequently take work home or think about work outside of working hours?

4. How often do you feel stressed due to unclear expectations at work?

Section 2: Control and Autonomy

5. Do you feel you have control over how you complete your work?

6. Can you influence decisions that affect your work?

7. Do you have flexibility in managing your work schedule?

Section 3: Support

8. Do you feel supported by your manager or supervisor when challenges arise?

9. Can you talk openly with your colleagues about work-related issues?

10. Do you feel encouraged to seek help if you’re experiencing mental health difficulties?

Section 4: Role Clarity

11. Are your job responsibilities and expectations clear to you?

12. Do you receive adequate feedback about your work performance?

Section 5: Recognition and Reward

13. Do you feel your contributions at work are valued and recognized?

14. Are you satisfied with the rewards or compensation you receive for your work?

Section 6: Workplace Relationships

15. Do you have positive and respectful relationships with your colleagues?

16. Have you experienced any bullying, harassment, or discrimination at work?

Section 7: Mental Well-Being

17. How often do you feel exhausted or burnt out at work?

18. Do you often feel anxious or worried about work-related issues?

19. Have you noticed any changes in your mood, sleep, or appetite due to work stress?

20. Do you feel that your work-life balance is adequate?

Your Results