Rose-Marie Lewis (Social Worker)


Rose-Marie is a Social Worker with 10 years' experience who remains passionate about frontline work. She has developed skills as a supervisor over the past few years while maintaining her commitment to concurrent frontline work, believing this enriches the supervision she provides through a current understanding of challenges and strengths within the profession. Having experienced the invaluable nature of supervision in her own professional development, Rose-Marie considers it a privilege to now provide supervision, offering a safe space for clinicians to reflect upon practice, grow, maintain positive self-care habits, and celebrate achievements.

Skills and Experience

Rose-Marie is a Registered Social Worker who majored in Child and Family work at Auckland University, graduating with Honours. She has worked extensively within the care sector, gaining experience across residential settings, the NGO sector, and the statutory sector. In recent years, she has transitioned into the Health Sector, embracing new learning opportunities. She brings particular passion to supporting parents, children, and the family unit.

Supervision Approach

Creating a space where supervisees feel safe to speak freely is imperative to fostering reflective practice in Rose-Marie's supervision. She believes supervision provides the opportunity to step back and apply appropriate theories and frameworks to challenges, supporting robust practice. Through her approach, she helps practitioners shift from reactive practice to a more reflective, responsive practice, considering both elements crucial to professional development.


Michelle Fowler (Registered Nurse)


Wendy Fraser (Social Worker)